Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter was...

Alot of fun. I love being with the family (no matter how tired I am) and as always, I found myself appreciating the hello's and horseplay far more than the goodbyes. I know, this picture is out of date and we are missing a number of new additions. Time for new family pics. I'm going to bed.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Brent Balla? Engaged?

Totally intense and easily as sweet as a little asian tourist asking you, "Herro sir, what is fun ting to do here in America?" Yes it was fun, I took the liberty of making the 4 hour wait at the airport as obnoxiously enjoyable as personally possible. O! Riddle me this, I just realized the actual odds of me being the last one to get hitched in the family are, increasing... Shouldn't we start placing bets or something? At any rate I'm looking forward to the wedding, (which I am still suggesting we have in one of our houses so we can have it sooner) and also, the 30 day long baaaachlllaaa party. I still have yet to weigh the probability and expense of such an awesome decision... Meh, even if I have to party the first 25 days or so alone, it's on. It's cool to have Tara joining us crazies. And I'm looking forward to Brent and Tara baking little baby cookies together and adding more. Rock on.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


People... Yeah, that's all I have to say about how I feel right now.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Mmmm... I must say there's not much like a glass of pinot noir and a couple kraft singles on a week night right before hitting the hay after a long workday. I'm trying to slow down and not have my schedule so franticly fickle. I want more time for my family and my relationship with the Lord. Be still and know. Yes indeed... I'll have to take time to figure this blog thing out one of these nights... We'll when that happens. Hmm... I think I'm wanting to pull away from being around so many different people all the time is because I really don't enjoy most people. I'm gonna start sticking to friends and family. I'm tired of playing games with people I don't know.